
I Just Don't Have A Lot to Post

I need to post more. Just too busy, though.

Here's a quiz I took... Now I need to get back to writing my book.

You will be famous for writing a national bestseller

You are very observant and tend to be the wallflower at parties. You are intuitive and know just how to communicate everything that you are feeling to those around you.

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com


New Rule

Alright, apparently, some people didn't take the hint. I have a new rule. No spam. No exceptions. Violators who are publishing blogs that are pushing a specific product, service, or pornography; or line of products, services, or pornography, will have their blog flagged.

For the purposes of this rule, spam is any comment that does not reference or contribute to the post that it is responding to and that links to a site pushing a product, a service, or pornography.


Happy New Year... (Yes, I know I'm late)

Let's review last year's resolutions:

1.) exercise more, get in shape, maybe loose a few inches off the waist. [Accomplished, and quite handily I might add. However, the fulfillment of resolution #s 4 & 6 have led to a need for me to start over again.]
2.) actually finish something I start writing. [Accomplished; but nothing published. It's a start though.]
3.) pass my exams in the spring semester. [Not accomplished. Hopefully this year will be better. I suppose actually studying will help. And the fact that I have finally decided that I want to do what I went to school for.]
4.) find acceptable employment. [Accomplished. Twice. However, not in my area of education, so my search will continue after my February exams.]
5.) meet new and interesting people. [Accomplished, and then some.]
6.) learn Japanese better. [Accomplished, though not to as great a degree as I had hoped.]
7.) get my life organized. [Accomplished, though not to as great a degree as I would like. Try again.]

* * *

Now, this year's resolutions: [my current resolution is 800 x 600 ^_^]

1.) exercise more, get in shape, maybe loose a few inches off the waist.
2.) do my level best to get something published.
3.) pass my exam in the spring semester.
4.) find more acceptable employment.
5.) get my life better organized so that I might have more time to do the things I like to do [like post on my blog ^_^].


Mars is Here... Again

Mars is hanging very close in the night sky lately, so you can get a good look at it in a good telescope. I've seen the polar cap, which is very cool.

For those of you who didn't know, Mars is in a period of global warming. This fact is very uncomfortable for those who adhere to the human-caused global warming dogma.

I hope to see a Mars colony in my lifetime. I would like to move there... the Earth seems crowded to me.


What H.P. Lovecraft Entity/Character Archetype Are You?

I don't know whether to feel honored, or concerned...

Great Cthulhu
That's right, you're the mack daddy of the Great
Old Ones and future conquerer/destroyer of
Earth. To you, raw power is what matters above
all else. When the Stars are right, You shall
rise again.

What H.P. Lovecraft Entity/Character Archetype Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Create the Future

New Orleans is now the site of what I have heard described as the largest natural disaster in U.S. History. My well wishes go out to those who have been affected by this occurrence.

What can we do to help? Of course, we can donate money. Money will always help. But what if you can't afford to give any? Or what if you want to give more than you can afford? Well there is something you can do. Something for all of us in fact. I see dark times ahead for this country. I will weather it relatively unscathed. Most of you will not unless you realign your perceptions.

The media (even the alternative media) constantly bombards us with the idea that we're going to die. Huge natural disasters, or wars, or the like will befall us, and we will never be able to withstand them.

I am not saying these things won't happen, left to their own devices. What I am saying is that you can do something about it.

Try having a positive outlook.

For starters, I want all of you to assume that everything will work out all right for the displaced people of New Orleans.

Why is this important?

Jesus Christ said "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." It is my belief that a strong enough belief can affect the way the world works. In many ways, we face only limitations placed on us by ourselves.

Compare Apollo 13 to Columbia. The NASA of the Apollo missions didn't accept the answer 'there's nothing we can do'. And you know what? There's nothing they couldn't do. They wanted to save those men, and they did. But what's happened to us? Surely NASA wanted to save the Columbia team. Yet at the same time, they didn't want to. Their spirit has been killed somehow. They doubt themselves. Or fear that they will be punished if they take on any sort of responsibility and fail. This is unhealthy. We need to believe that things can be done. Belief creates reality. Before we can do something, someone has to believe it's possible.

If enough of us believe that things will work out for the best, then they will. This doesn't mean that it will happen spontaneously just because of your belief (though I believe this to be the case ;-) ), but there is no meaningful action without belief.


Planet X Discovered

Astronomers at the Mount Palomar observatory near San Diego run by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have discovered a tenth planet orbiting the sun. This new planet, tentatively named Xena, is nearly 10 billion miles away and is the farthest known object to orbit the sun. "The body is believed to be about 1,700 miles in diameter, about a quarter the size of the Earth, and about one-and-a-half times the size of Pluto . . . Xena is the most distant object detected orbiting the Sun, three times as far out as Pluto and 97 times as far out as the Earth. Its full orbit takes 560 years."

Is it not nifty?