
Happy New Year... (Yes, I know I'm late)

Let's review last year's resolutions:

1.) exercise more, get in shape, maybe loose a few inches off the waist. [Accomplished, and quite handily I might add. However, the fulfillment of resolution #s 4 & 6 have led to a need for me to start over again.]
2.) actually finish something I start writing. [Accomplished; but nothing published. It's a start though.]
3.) pass my exams in the spring semester. [Not accomplished. Hopefully this year will be better. I suppose actually studying will help. And the fact that I have finally decided that I want to do what I went to school for.]
4.) find acceptable employment. [Accomplished. Twice. However, not in my area of education, so my search will continue after my February exams.]
5.) meet new and interesting people. [Accomplished, and then some.]
6.) learn Japanese better. [Accomplished, though not to as great a degree as I had hoped.]
7.) get my life organized. [Accomplished, though not to as great a degree as I would like. Try again.]

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Now, this year's resolutions: [my current resolution is 800 x 600 ^_^]

1.) exercise more, get in shape, maybe loose a few inches off the waist.
2.) do my level best to get something published.
3.) pass my exam in the spring semester.
4.) find more acceptable employment.
5.) get my life better organized so that I might have more time to do the things I like to do [like post on my blog ^_^].